Mobilizing young
New Yorkers to become leaders and catalysts for change through service.

Youth Advocacy Corps works to combat poverty and inequity by empowering young people to become changemakers in their own communities.
We envision a world in which youth lead their communities to collectively address economic and health injustices, which, in turn, will eliminate disparities and feed the next generation of local leaders.
"This program is amazing. Absolutely amazing experience. From learning how to speak up for things I believe in to opening my eyes to possible career goals. Awesome. Thank you for believing that if we just take a stand for something we believe in, change is inevitable."
— Mamadou, 17

"You have showed me that I can make a difference by just listening to someone and introducing them to the ways that they can seek help for friends and themselves. Through YASI, you have proved to me how even youth can make a strong impact on their community. You provided me with tools I can use to give back ."
— Joel, 17

Are you interested in volunteering with YAC? Or would you like to learn more about our work?
Email Us at: info@advocacycorps.org
Call Us at: (917) 274 - 7194
Check out our Blog Visit our Facebook Page
Follow us on Instagram @advocatecorps

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