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On August 9, 2017 Youth Advocacy Corps hosted Brooklyn’s Health: An Unseen Priority, our first youth Summit that focused on why inequality and inequity exist in the health system.  The Summit was attended by over 100 youth in Brooklyn, who discussed health and social justice issues of importance to them, and the ways in which their lives and communities can be improved. At the end of the day, the young advocates compiled a list of demands/requests to improve the lives of those affected by the various issues and presented them to local political leaders and others in power. 


The youth examined how health issues intersect with immigration, race and safety, particularly with the specific topics covered throughout the day which include:

  • Mental Health

  • Sexual/ Reproductive Health

  • General Well-Being

  • Healthy Relationships


Our Second Youth Summit, Unspoken Words: A Discussion on Mental Health and Identity focused on how individual identities (including gender and sexual identity, race, immigration status, and disability) impact mental wellness. Participants developed meaningful recommendations for how NYC can better address our mental health needs. The summit also made the local news and can be seen here.

SUMMIT FLYER 2018 Final Edited.jpg

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